Facial recognition could very well be the devil in sheep's clothing. It is picking people out of crowds of thousands who may have warrants, an unpaid parking ticket, sexual assaults, whatever. I mean, it has it’s up and down sides. If your in a crowd of people and there is a murderer on the lose, I wouldn’t be mad at all if the powers that be I.D. the culprit and snatch him before he/she strikes again.However, for the average Joe, it sucks.
Now, what about behavioral monitoring system bars. Oooh!!! You don’t know what that is? Well, let me break it down to you. This is probably the easiest way to explain it. Do you all remember hearing about this guy named Santa Clause that was supposed to come down your chimney on Christmas Eve and drop a bunch of presents on you after eating all your milk and cookies? Well, he was also known for having this list of people who were naughty or nice. The nice got everything they wanted, gift wrapped and left under the Christmas tree. The naughty got absolutely nothing. Santa didn’t even come down the chimney of the naughty and jack their cookies.
Well, this is something like that. China has devised a system based on the behavioral monitoring that will give the average Joe a score of basically naughty or nice. If you cheat on your spouse, get into a fight, run a light, jaywalk, cheat on your taxes, pay bills late, etc.. You will be considered an “Untrustworthy” person and you will be blackballed from everything. And, I mean everything. Travel and booking flights… Negative
Buying property… Negative
Sending your kids to private school… Negative
Getting a great paying job… More negative than positive
Low Interest Rates… Negative
The list is long and distinguished.
The “Nice” get everything the naughty didn’t and much much more. The main problem I see with this is, who is keeping the score on everyone? How can people know if the government is giving the people a fair shake? This can easily be a way to create an upper and lower class, and an incredible amount of indentured servants. If the final vote of who is worthy or not comes down to someone who wants to make China great again, there are going to be a lot of people getting shitted on.
The monitoring system can distinguish between adults and children, men and women, tall and short, I’m not sure whether or not it can determine the age of someone. However, the facial recognition associated with this program can find out just about everything else it wants to know about you.
Well, we all knew it was coming sooner or later. Everything we have seen on tv comes to life. There were voxes on Star Trek that are a lot like the wireless cell phones we can't live without right now. That was in the early 70’s and in the late 80's to the 90's there were pagers and then came cell phones. Things usually happen in 20 year increments. What I mean is, the government will have some information or invention that they keep Top Secret and 20 years later they let us in on it.
We all know they (the powers that be) introduce everything through books or more than likely movies. I personally think Steven Spielberg works for the government or at very least he is the liaison.
We all knew that cameras would be all around us along with microphones and everything else predicted or dreamed up by Mr. Orwell when he wrote 1987. Big Brother is in full effect in China.
Cameras are so microscopic these days, they can be built into anything. There are some robotic flies that are in truth mounted with cameras and these flies are mere centimeters in size. There are cameras in the atms, on buildings, on your computer, your cell phone, everywhere... and they can all be accessed by the powers that be at a moments notice, watching you. Just imagine you just walked in and sat down. You click on the television, the news comes on. You lean over to pick up your phone and start reading this. You have a beer in your hand and maybe some smoke. You are fully relaxed and a weird thought consumes you. What if with every breathe you pull in that smoke and release it, someone is watching you? Not from outside the window, but right there in front of you. Your not really watching the news, but the television is watching your every move. You get up from the couch and click off the television and go to your desk top, just to see the light on the screen below the camera is on, yet you haven't turned on the camera. You walk away from the desktop and lock yourself in the room, but there's a television in there too. So you go to the bathroom and all is safe and quiet, then you get ready to call a friend to tell them what you just went through and the light on your camera phone is on as well, and some stranger waves at you and clicks off the camera. Creepy, yes it is, just like while your reading this, I'm looking through your camera at you right now. Why are you making that strange face?
That's what this is coming down to and it truly is an invasion of privacy and soon, the world.