Wouldn't you know? KFC, a basic pinnacle in the food industry has been seriously hiding the secret ingredients underground in an Arizona location. Apparently, this specific location has been hiding a drug smuggling tunnel from Arizona - Mexico for sometime.
Cocaine, meth, and heroin has been shuttled through these intricate cavernous tunnels from Mexico to Arizona neighborhoods. You would think the all american eatery would be oblivious to all of this, but that is truly not the case.
On August 13th, Ivan Lopez was pulled over and searched to the tune of 118 keys (kilograms) of methamphetamine, more than three keys of fentanyl, over 6 keys of brown heroin (the really good stuff), and over 6 keys of cocaine. Now that's one hell of a party, for a couple of states. Ivan was the head man in charge of the San Luis, Arizona location. Canine units uncovered the multitudes stashed in his truck.
Put it like this, 6 keys of cocaine cut (adding ingredients to stretch the volume of a substance) the right way can translate translate into millions. Fentanyl which is used in medical compounds are used for anesthesia and pain medications which is highly addictive and labeled as and opioid can easily make over a million hits (doses) from just one key. This same fentanyl is the cause of thousands of deaths from over doses to the tune that Trump wants to offer the death penalty for any one caught with it. Ivan's truck probably wasn't worth more than a few thousand dollars. The contents of his truck was literally in the hundreds of millions with a major possibility of fatalities included along the way.
An out of business KFC brought in more revenue in one month than it probably did in it's entire existence from the tunnels. A warrant was served at the Lopez home and restaurant where they discovered they were not on a witch hunt. It didn't take to long to get to the bottom of things. Lol.. The restaurant that everyone drove by on a regular basis gave no signs of a tunnel running from that location to a house in Sonora, Mexico. That is some serious balls.
That being said, who knows how many underground tunnels and smuggling routes there are connected to other secluded run down buildings. While certain groups and people are standing their ground about the wall and the borders, just beneath their feet are the true criminals. Talk about a head fake!!!