I'm sure you all have heard of this insanity. The Daycare provider that promised and swore up and down that she would do anything to protect the child she is watching, hung that child. I know she made that promise simply because that's their job description. When you take monetary guardianship of a person, you are signing off on PROVIDING CARE FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL, which she obviously did a piss poor job of.
The fact that she also ran over two men with her car and almost killed them seemed to have no bearing on the case. In a relatively short period of time she almost murdered 4 people. Wait, the child, the two guys,... Oh yeah, she tried to commit suicide when it was all said and done. This lady had quite a busy day.
A plea of temporary insanity caused by domestic abuse seemed to be the crutch she needed to limp out of that court room opposed to being shackled to a bench. The gavel dropped and 10 years probation with the 13 years hanging over her head is what the judge ordered.
A lot of people are saying it's because she's a "White Woman in America", I just think it's another case of a sh#$$y judge and system. Then again, that could have played a part in it also.
They are some truly gifted caring Care Providers that take their job very seriously and love the children they care for as if they were their own. This is just one really bad apple. This is the lowest of the lowest hanging fruit. Fruit so low you just want to kick the hell out of it, because you know better than to pick that crap. So, to you people out there who need nanny's and care providers, you may want to do a much more in depth interview before you come home and things aren't how you pictured.
Prayers to the child, speedy recovery.