I have no idea why people still eat McDonalds. I have even more interest in why people take their children to McDonalds and feed them such processed food, but to each their own. An Ontario man experimented like some of the rest of us have with McDonald's food. Dave Alexander held on to a cheeseburger and fries for 6 years. He lives on a farm of all places and thought the multi year burgers was myth. “We live on a farm, and things that we grow here go bad regularly and I thought it was an urban legend.” On June 7, 2012, Alexander asked his daughter to grab a cheese burger and fries from McDonald's on her way home. It's been sitting in his office every since then. He initially put it on Ebay for $29, but it has since reached $150. PLEASE: Whoever purchases this meal, DO NOT EAT IT!!!
Anyone who has ever tried this project knows the results. The entire order seems to turn into some form of plastic-like composition. You can literally knock on it like a door with out breaking it. I personally had a cheeseburger on my kitchen counter for over a year and a house guest decided to throw it away. As of Alexander's bids, that house guest owes me $150!!! lol